Curau (Sweet Corn Pudding)

Curau (Sweet Corn Pudding)


The “curau” is a very popular pudding and it is a traditional “festas juninas” (June festivities which coincide with the corn harvest) dish, celebrating St. Anthony’s, St. Peter’s and St. John’s Day.

It is a cheap but very healthy recipe, that was originally made only with water, without milk. A variation of “curau” is the “pamonha”: grated/mixed corn pulp wrapped into corn husk (“corn packets”) and boiled. The “pamonha” has a creamy-smooth consistency, a bit coarser than “curau”.

• 4 sweet corn cobs, around 400g sweet corn kernels
• 300-400 ml milk
• 75 g sugar
• a pinch of salt
• cinnamon powder for garnish

Preparation method

  1. Remove kernels from the corn cob with a knife and blend corn pulp with a little milk to a paste. In the traditional recipe corn pulp is grated off the cob.
  2. Pass the pulp through a sieve (large aperture), add remaining milk and sugar and cook over medium-high heat, stirring constantly with a wooden spoon until the mixture thickens. This will take about 15 minutes.
  3. Pour on a serving plate or in individual dessert bowls.
  4. Let cool and sprinkle with cinnamon powder.
  5. Serve warm or cool and store in fridge.

Yield: 4 servings.

Posted on: 11 November 2011