Category: Condensed sweetened milk

Brigadeiro de caipirinha (“Caipirinha” Balls)

Brigadeiro de caipirinha (“Caipirinha” Balls)

CLICK HERE TO WATCH THE VIDEO The “brigadeiro de caipirinha” is a new version of “brigadeiro” (Chocolate balls) flavoured of “caipirinha”: a really traditional taste of Brazil.Almost all of the “cachaça” alcohol evaporates during cooking, but gives the mixture its fragrant smell and distinctive taste,…

Cajuzinho (Cashew Balls)

Cajuzinho (Cashew Balls)

“Cajuzinho”, is the diminutive of “caju” (cashew), even though it is made of peanuts. It is one of the famous “docinhos de Leite Moça” that made their first appearance in the middle of the 20Th Century. They soon became popular and they are essential for…

Camafeu de nozes (Walnut Cameo)

Camafeu de nozes (Walnut Cameo)

CLICK HERE TO WATCH THE VIDEO “Camafeu de nozes” is one of the famous “docinhos de Leite Moça” (sweetened condensed milk sweetmeats) that made their first appearance in the middle of the 20Th Century. These typical Brazilian sweets are served at all kinds of party.The…

Cocada (Coconut Sweet)

Cocada (Coconut Sweet)

CLICK HERE TO WATCH THE VIDEO The “cocada” is a rustic sweet made with coconut and sugar. It has arrived in Brazil as a ritual dish – “comida dos orixás” (food of the gods) – of “Candomblé”, religion brought by “Yorubas”, the African ethnic group…

Gelatina mosaico (Mosaic Jello)

Gelatina mosaico (Mosaic Jello)

CLICK HERE TO WATCH THE VIDEO The mosaic jello is a colorful, tasty, fresh, easy to make and very economical dessert. The jello (powdered gelatin and flavorings) was introduced in Brazil at the beginning of the last century and quickly became a recurring presence in…

Meia de seda (Silk Stocking)

Meia de seda (Silk Stocking)

“Meia de seda” is another famous cocktail drink made by mixing pinga and sweetened condensed milk. It may be prepared in advance and stored at room temperature. It can also be served as an after-dinner liqueur.A bottle of batida makes a great gift for friends…

Mousse de limão rápida (Quick Lime Mousse)

Mousse de limão rápida (Quick Lime Mousse)

CLICK HERE TO WATCH THE VIDEO This delicious homemade recipe is very popular in Brazil, and it is so easy and quick to make. In Brazil there are lots of different recipes made with sweetened condensed milk.It’s a great dessert for any occasion. Ingredients• 300…

Olho de sogra (Sugar Plums with Coconut)

Olho de sogra (Sugar Plums with Coconut)

“Olho de sogra” means “mother-in-law’s eye” and it’s a pitted prune filled with rolled “beijinho” to resemble an “eye” shape, as indicated by the name – really delicious and funny. It is one of the famous “docinhos de Leite Moça” that made their first appearance…